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When you enroll at NTCC you become a part of a dynamic learning environment comprised of a student, faculty and industry team focused on advancing your goals and launching your career. …
When you enroll at NTCC you become a part of a dynamic learning environment comprised of a student, faculty and industry team focused on advancing your goals and launching your career. Today's industry standards require technical training and skills enhancements necessary to build career opportunities throughout the lifespan. The rapidly changing landscape of our economy provides tremendous opportunities for technical community college students of today. Enroll now and be a part of the building of a stronger Louisiana workforce. The faculty, staff, and administration of Northshore Technical Community College are committed to your success.
Reminder: Students use @ my. northshorecollege.edu for their logins while Faculty/Staff use just the @northshorecollege.edu. If you are having trouble logging into your...