Maria Rojas and Jose Ley face politically motivated charges aimed at intimidating healthcare workers against providing ...
Ken Paxton announces the arrest of Jose Manuel Cendan Ley for performing illegal abortions and unlicensed medical practice in ...
Jose Manuel Cendan Ley, a 29-year-old medical assistant, is accused of performing an illegal abortion and practicing without ...
Attorney General Ken Paxton announces more arrests in ongoing illegal abortion and unlicensed medical practice investigation.
Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton (R) announced Tuesday that two more individuals have been arrested on charges they provided illegal abortions, apparently in connection to the midwife who was ...
Jose Manuel Cendan Ley, a 29-year-old medical assistant, is accused of performing an illegal abortion and practicing without a license at a clinic in connection to Maria Margarita Rojas whose ...