I replaced the original wired smoke alarms in my home with wired dual sensors that use both photoelectric and ionization ...
Members of the organization were working throughout Davenport with the help of volunteers, starting at one of the city’s fire ...
Muscatine fire officials are encouraging residents to not only adjust their clocks for Daylight Saving Time but also check ...
Local fire and EMS install smoke alarms in district 4 homes ...
Test alarms to ensure they are properly sounding. This can be done by simply pressing the alarm’s test button. Make sure ...
DAVENPORT, Iowa (KWQC) - Red Cross volunteers and local volunteers installed free smoke alarms in over 100 homes in Davenport Saturday. The effort is part of the national initiative called “Sound the ...
Mar. 9, 2025 was the beginning of Daylight Saving Time and other than setting your clocks ahead, emergency officials are ...
I put smoke detectors to the ultimate test -- by simulating real fire smoke in my own home -- so you don’t have to. Choosing the best smoke detector for 2025 is essential for home safety.
Daylight saving time officially begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 10, meaning clocks should be set forward one hour before ...
The Rochester Fire Department says daylight saving is its usual twice per year reminder to check the batteries in your smoke ...
For homes with hard-wired smoke alarm systems, the NOFD advises replacing the 9-volt backup batteries. For those relying on older stand-alone 9-volt alarms, the department is offering a valuable ...
The Shapiro administration is reminding Pennsylvanians to change the batteries in their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms while changing their clocks for this weekend’s “spring forward” time change.