Two visions of the trauma of disappeared people in Latin America had a central role at Sunday’s Academy Awards ...
The Oscar-winning film has reignited national discussions on the dictatorship. With the debate over amnesty resurfacing, ...
O aclamado drama 'Ainda Estou Aqui' fez história no Oscar 2025 e conquistou o prêmio de Melhor Filme Internacional - a ...
O filme dirigido por Walter Salles recebeu o Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional ao derrotar o francês “Emília Pérez” ...
Brazilians celebrated it as if it was another football title when Walter Salles' “Ainda Estou Aqui” (“I'm Still Here”) won ...
Foliões foram à loucura com a conquista de Ainda Estou Aqui, que levou o Oscar de Melhor Filme Internacional, em pleno ...
Totalmente aclamada! O reconhecimento internacional e do meio artístico ao desempenho de Fernanda Torres interpretando Eunice ...
Ao todo, o filme já acumula 39 prêmios nacionais e internacionais, mas o Oscar marca um feito inédito para o cinema nacional ...
I’m Still Here” (actual Portuguese title: Ainda Estou Aqui) is a political biographical drama based on Marcelo Rubens Paiva’s ...
The film is based on a true story set in 1970s Rio de Janeiro, when Brazil was living under a military dictatorship.
Nominated for three Oscars, this Brazilian period piece follows a mother's attempts to protect her family under a military ...
The film serves as a kind of historical reparation by winning the award after Central do Brasil, also by Walter Salles, lost ...