This bear was definitely not craving honey when she chased down and devoured ... Then she cornered a second duckling and began to eat that one, too. Watch the video. (Some viewers may find the ...
Here are some common insects that black bears are known to eat: One common misconception about bears is that they love honey, but that’s not what they’re really after when they raid a hive. “Bears are ...
They are the only bear species in the state, and, despite the name, their fur ranges in color from blond to black. It’s been ...
Footage posted by Orphaned Wildlife Center shows one of the center’s founders, Jim Kowalczik, sharing a sweet moment over a jar of honey with Leo, a 28-year-old resident. In the video, Kowalczik can ...
Arctic Media / Adobe Stock If you were to write a list of what grizzly bears eat, the result would look shockingly similar to a grocery list you might find on your own refrigerator. Unlike ...