Campesinos trabajan en un cultivo de papa sobre la vía que une a las ciudades de Bogotá y Tunja, en Ventaquemada (Colombia). Fotografía de archivo. EFE/Carlos Ortega The war between Ukraine and ...
Planning a trip to Colombia? Consider factors like safety, clothing, and weather precautions for a smooth journey.
Bent over his cellphone on the terrace of his Bogota apartment, Colombia's "Lord of the Fruit" describes the flavors, ...
Sprawling Bogota, seen here from Mount Monserrate, is Colombia’s bustling capital and most populous city. (Photo by Norma Meyer) This was my second intriguing “school day” in Colombia’s ...
The new species is now one of two Nops spiders to be found in Colombia, which may mean more are yet to be discovered, or the landscape makes it difficult for these spiders to thrive, researchers said.
Deforestation in Colombia rose 35% in 2024 from a 23-year low the previous year, fueled by an uptick in the Amazon region, Environment Minister Susana Muhamad said on Thursday.
A six-day language immersion program in the South American city mixes classroom instruction with excursions where studens can ...