In 2022, Illinois made a bold move. The state passed a law allowing kindergarten to high school students to take up to five ...
Does mental illness reflect evolutionary traits gone awry? Emphasizing strengths over deficits helps people thrive.
(HealthDay News) — The prevalence of children’s behavioral and developmental disorders increased nationally from 2019 to 2022, with some conditions linked to caregivers’ mental well-being, according ...
Body dysmorphic disorder involves all-consuming negative thoughts about one’s appearance, causing intense anxiety or shame.
Try light therapy if you're fighting fatigue from the time change or struggling with seasonal depression. Here's how it works ...
At least 17.6% of ;school-going children in Uganda are struggling with depressive mental disorder mainly due to limited sleep, a new study has revealed, raising a red flag on the mental well-being of ...
Luke Combs is sharing his struggles with obsessive-compulsive disorder, hoping to inspire others with the same condition.
There are significant health disparities between sexual and gender minority populations and their cisgender heterosexual counterparts.
One in 10 individuals across the world cannot identify express or feel emotions Learn what Alexithymia is who is affected by ...