We've seen a ton of different Raspberry Pi projects here on XDA, but none of them have used a brain scanner to control a ...
A study at the University of California, Berkeley, found evidence that an area in the brain used in playing bridge stimulates the immune system. Research shows that physical activity for as little ...
That’s called ischemia. It can damage your ability to think clearly. It can even cause brain injuries. It’s simple, Dr. Elkind says: You need enough blood to keep your brain cells from ...
Pharmacist and educator Dr. Suzanne Soliman joins us with expert advice on how to prioritize brain health in 2025. With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can support your brain’s longevity and ...
It's no secret that stress can make you temporarily forgetful-like blanking on your PIN at the checkout line or asking yourself where your glasses are, only to find that they're on your head.
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden ...
Differentiation of iPSCs into neurons, astrocytes, microglia allow us to analyze aberrant gene and protein expression, function and metabolism in developing and maturing human brain before the ...