Beginning in 2025, individuals with foreign addresses must designate U.S. agents for service of FAA documents. This change will impact thousands of certificate holders and new applicants. The FAA’s ...
After several years of delays, GE Aerospace has received certification from the Federal Aviation Administration for its ...
GE Aerospace's new Catalyst turboprop engine has received FAA certification, the company announced Thursday. The powerplant ...
an FAA flight standards district and certificate management office. That put a limited number of areas in play: Chicago, Dallas and New York. But in a January 2024 letter to then-FAA Administrator ...
The cargo airline provides a comprehensive range of services, including ACMI, CMI, full charter, scheduled charters, and ...
FAA says there is an “airworthiness concern” regarding the main deck cargo door of Boeing 757-200 freighters opening while in flight.