This is where Spradley dives into a simple divot drill to help improve my ... and how I utilize the leading edge prior to ball-first contact. After hitting a few decent results, he reminds me ...
The Chair Drill will teach you to hit and recover when your opponent places a challenging shot into the corner. Set up the ball machine to feed deep to one corner and place a chair at the center ...
Instead, you should be focusing on hitting up on the ball. Teaching yourself how to do this doesn’t require a radical swing change. All you need to do is set up a simple drill with your ...
Johnny Miller once called this drill his "single best tip" for improving ball striking. Try it out and you'll hit it better ...
A former first-class cricketer with Hampshire ... enabling you to work the actual movement of hitting the ball. Combining these two drill variations I can guarantee you will add power to your ...
But first, a few ground rules ... Konov recommends the twotouch volley drill. Hit one volley against the wall, and then hit the next ball to yourself, by tapping it gently upwards.