The Red Hulk almost showed up much earlier, and was pegged as being the only Hulk that Marvel wanted to showcase.
Brave New World gives lots of attention to the fiery effects of the Red Hulk transformation, but never properly explains it.
Red Hulk’s intricately designed, visceral torso wasn’t the only overly textured body part in the movie. I could trace each wriggle of Samuel Sterns’ bulging, gamma-mutated externalized brain.
General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross is a real piece of work ... to destroy civilizations if he unleashed his full power, but the Red Hulk was able to hold him at bay. Red Hulk has faced ...
When it was put to Maslany that she could put a serious spin on She-Hulk, the actor responded, "I agree. I have a serious, well, I have a lot of serious bones in my body." She-Hulk getting serious ...