which introduces various Kermit the Frog segments from Sesame Street, while being interrupted by the Three Little Pigs, who are there because Kermit introduced them twice on Sesame Street News.
"It's Not Easy Bein' Green," originated by Kermit the Frog on both Sesame Street and The Muppet Show in 1970. Their collaboration was unveiled on Sesame Street‘s official YouTube channel ...
As Hoda snuggled up with daughters Haley, 8, and Hope, 5, on the white couch in Studio 1A, Kermit the Frog popped up behind ...
Today’s Hoda Kotb final day is here, and in addition to farewells from her colleagues were special guests wanting to wish her ...
Standing proudly on the corner of South Broad Street and North Deer Creek Drive, a historical marker declares the town "The Birthplace of Kermit the Frog." In honor of what would have been Jim ...