Apple last updated the Apple TV in October 2022, introducing a new, smaller design, USB-C on the Siri remote, and a bump from the A12 chip to the A15 chip. As it’s approaching two years old ...
Apple launched the original Apple TV 4K in September 2017, and as of October 2022 we have brand-new third-generation models of the ‌Apple TV‌ 4K. With its tvOS App Store, ‌Apple TV‌ 4K ...
'Tis the season for great new movies and shows on the best streaming services. And Apple TV Plus is bringing us some fresh originals to keep us entertained.
Apple TV+ may not be one of the oldest streaming services out there, but since its arrival in 2019, it’s gone head-to-head with streaming giants like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and Hulu since ...