Learning outcomes are statements about what students can expect to know or be able to do. Communicating learning outcomes with students creates a shared understanding about the purpose and ...
Learning outcomes explain what students should be able to achieve by the end of a course. This may be changes in their knowledge, skills, attitude or behaviors. Learning outcomes are the first element ...
Use these categories to analyze a course’s current learning outcomes to determine if there are categories that are either over or underrepresented. Making connections between ideas, learning ...
The study is the first to evaluate learning outcomes associated with reading an illustrated educational book on puberty and periods written for girls in the U.S. "Our aim was to evaluate the ...
Creating a course map is like planning a road trip—you start with your destination (learning outcomes) and chart the best route to get there (instruction, activities, and assessments). A ...
Aims should be clear, succinct and give students an idea of what to expect from the course. Intended learning outcomes describe the skills and knowledge students should be able to demonstrate by the ...
Student learning outcomes (SLO) are the key component of an assessment plan. These are concise statements that indicate the knowledge, skills, and abilities that students in a program are expected to ...
Student learning outcomes (SLOs) allow us to determine whether students are reaching the goals and objectives that we want them to achieve. They are expressed as specific statements describing the ...