It turns out, there's a ranking of the nation's spots that are most vulnerable to landslides. What's more, Oregon locales, ...
A total of 13 Oregon counties have voted to secede from the state and join neighboring Idaho, as part of what supporters have dubbed the "Greater Idaho" project. On May 21, Crook County backed the ...
Health care spending in Clackamas and Deschutes counties averaged roughly $7,900 per person in 2019, the most of anywhere in Oregon. The spending likely reflects populations who are proactive ...
Recently released U.S. Census Bureau population estimates show changes around Oregon since 2020. See county-by-county data ...
In Deschutes County, 20% of properties are in both the high hazard and wildland-urban-interface designations. The map ranks each property in Oregon as either low, medium or high hazard.
That’s what Oregon House Bill 2096 and two companion bills are about. The bills follow a 2023 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the case of Tyler v. Hennepin County. In 2015, Hennepin County ...