The newest coins date from about A.D. 175 during the reign of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who died in 180. | Credit: ...
As well as a military man, comfortable with brutal violence and relentless warfare, Marcus Aurelius was a writer and deep thinker. His Stoic philosophical jottings on life and death are now ...
Set 16 years after the death of Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell ... but he is still the sole male heir of both grandfather Marcus Aurelius, and Aurelius’ chosen successor, Maximus.
Cleveland Museum of Art A headless bronze statue that may depict the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius will be repatriated to Turkey after an investigation determined that it had been ...
Andrew Williams/Norfolk County Council Empress Faustina accompanied her husband Marcus Aurelius on campaigns and after her death he ordered she should be deified "There's 200 years' worth of coins ...
Maximus is a powerful Roman general, loved by the people and the aging Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Before his death, the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son, Commodus ...
Maximus is a powerful Roman general, loved by the people and the aging Emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Before his death, the Emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son, Commodus ...