The newest coins date from about A.D. 175 during the reign of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who died in 180. | Credit: ...
Marcus Aurelius is remembered as a wise philosopher-emperor, largely thanks to the survival of his Meditations. For visitors to Rome today, a colossal bronze equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius ...
A headless ancient bronze statue, believed to depict either the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius or an unnamed philosopher, is set to return to Turkey after decades in a U.S. museum. The Cleveland Museum ...
Cleveland Museum of Art A headless bronze statue that may depict the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius will be repatriated to Turkey after an investigation determined that it had been ...
all the emperors who succeeded to the throne by birth, except Titus, were bad, all were good who succeeded by adoption; as in the case of the five from Nerva to Marcus. "But so soon as the empire ...
A headless ancient bronze statue, believed to depict either the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius or an unnamed philosopher, is set to return to Turkey after decades in a U.S. museum. The Cleveland Museum ...
The museum provided a bill of sale from the date of its purchase that said it was buying a “Figure of a Draped Emperor (Probably Marcus Aurelius), Roman, late 2nd Century A.D., bronze.” ...
Galba then made matters worse by ignoring his faithful supporter, Marcus Otho ... Piso – just seven months after Galba had been named emperor. Now it was Otho’s turn to rule.
The most famous ruler featured in the hoard is arguably the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (reigned from A.D. 161 to 180), while his wife, Faustina II, is portrayed on a coin of her own. Aurelius ...