With the highly anticipated Marvel and DC crossover event, there are a handful of incredible writers who could truly excel ...
A new crossover between Marvel and DC is on the horizon, but it comes at a dark time for the industry. Will the crossover be a success though?
The superhero team-up is a time-honored tradition in American comics. Ever since The Shield met The Wizard in 1940’s Top Notch Comics #5, superheroes have joined forces for the common good. However, ...
Marvel and DC Comics have announced that they are going to start having crossovers again, and everyone is excited. Crossovers ...
Marvel and DC Comics have thousands of characters, and it can be hard to showcase all of them in monthly comics. However, ...
DC has withdrawn its hand from gaming, and Marvel has taken over the void left behind; the latter seems to be doing really ...
the X-Men. In the late 90s there were DC Versus Marvel and the Amalgam Age comics, wherein each publisher’s respective heroes went up against each other (Batman vs. Captain America or Silver ...
For his part, Kirkman credits his own DC and Marvel fandom with inspiring Invincible’s murkier approach to the ...
Born Again series is making waves with its intense fights, brutal violence, and strong character themes. The show pays homage ...
The largest collaboration was the DC vs Marvel miniseries, which was published between February and May 1996. This culminated in the Amalgam Age series in which characters were literally fused ...
From the mid-70s to 2004, DC and Marvel crossovers were semi-regular events. In the ’90s, the Marvel Versus DC mini-series even led to Amalgam Comics, which saw DC and Marvel heroes mashed up ...