Michael Jordan leads the list with an estimated $ ... while Cristiano Ronaldo holds the third position with $1.92 billion. Lionel Messi, the sole Argentinean on the list, ranks sixth with a total ...
It was only a matter of time, yes, just a matter of time before Lionel Messi became the most popular athlete in the United States, surpassing great stars like Michael Jordan and Tom Brady.
LeBron James vs. Michael Jordan and Lionel Messi vs. Cristiano Ronaldo are two of the most contentious arguments in sports, and the two brought the heat on the most recent episode of the Club Shay ...
Despite Messi's absence, the Whitecaps vowed to ... happened in the league from that point of view ... it's like when Michael Jordan used to come to different places, all of a sudden, they sold ...
“I love Tom Brady. I’m a huge Tom Brady fan. Huge Michael Jordan fan. They do not compare globally to what Messi is,” said former Buccaneers Pro Bowl kicker Martin Gramatica, who was born in ...