Paramount Pictures revealed five minutes of footage ... Richard Harris is utterly compelling as Marcus Aurelius, the dying Roman Emperor who guilts Maximus into doing the right thing.
The newest coins date from about A.D. 175 during the reign of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, who died in 180. | Credit: ...
Giacomo Battiato's political drama "Resolution 819" won the gold Marcus Aurelius award for best film voted by the public at the Rome Film Festival. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (often ...
Cleveland Museum of Art A headless bronze statue that may depict the Roman emperor and philosopher Marcus Aurelius will be repatriated to Turkey after an investigation determined that it had been ...
Four of the coins date to the reign of Marcus Aurelius, who was played by Richard Harris in the first Gladiator film, with the earliest dating from AD166 (above) A hoard of 16 silver Roman coins ...