The shunt was then removed when he was 14 years old. After the doctors ran CT and MRI scans of his head, they were shocked to find a huge pocket of fluid where his brain was meant to be.
A man went to hospital complaining about weakness in his left leg, and subsequent brain scans revealed a surprising finding.
The shunt was then removed when he was 14 years old. After the doctors ran CT and MRI scans of his head, they were shocked to find a huge pocket of fluid where his brain was meant to be.
After doctors ran CT and MRI scans of ... including brain defects, infections, injuries, and tumours. It can be treated, with most common treatments being a shunt or an endoscopic third ...
Background: Echo is unable to quantify volume of patent ductus arteriosus(PDA) shunt and has limited repeatability for assessing systemic perfusion. Phase Contrast MR(PCMR) can reliably assess ...