However, not everyone with sleep apnea is fat. Furthermore, data shows that sleep apnea is related with an increased risk of ...
"Dry throat tissues can increase snoring, so drinking enough water throughout the day should help combat this," he recommends ...
When you or your bed partner has sleep apnea, a restful night’s sleep can be hard to come by. Treating this common condition ...
Current obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis methods, although often effective, all require the patient to be asleep ...
A greater proportion of U.S. adults said treating sleep apnea was “extremely” or “moderately” important vs. “minimally” or ...
Most people spend a third of their lives sleeping, but you may need more or less than eight hours a night. The amount of ...
If, despite completing your mandatory seven to eight hours of sleep daily, you feel tired and exhausted, there could be many ...
To make the general public aware of the importance of sleep, the Calcutta Sleep Society hosted a press conference, in ...
February was heart month, and this is another column in a series about the primary risk factors for heart disease. Sleep ...
Obesity, particularly abdominal fat accumulation, has long been recognised as a primary risk factor for OSA. Fat deposits ...
WASHINGTON – Nearly one-third of adults diagnosed with sleep apnea are not currently receiving treatment, according to a new study from the National Sleep Foundation.