One of them is Uttanasana. Also known as the Standing Forward Bend, this asana helps to stretch ... But first, take a look at how to perform the pose correctly. When you’re performing this ...
You’ll see most professional golfers and golf enthusiasts with their own stringent pre-round routine that includes their ...
It helps to relax the spine and relieves stress. It also promotes a gentle flow of breath to prepare for sleep. This is a generic information. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before ...
Concluding your afternoon yoga session with Child's Pose, or Balasana, allows for deep relaxation. Kneel on the floor and sit ...
Ease headaches naturally with seven yoga asanas like Balasana & Viparita Karani. Improve circulation & reduce stress with ...
This information is sourced from the National Institute of Health (NIH). Always consult a fitness trainer before adding anything to your fitness routine.