Behavioral economics uses an understanding of human psychology to account for why people deviate from rational action when they’re making decisions. In the model of rational action assumed by ...
"A behavioral financial advisor is trained on the elements of psychology and neuroscience that can drive those beliefs and behaviors and uncover observations that their clients may not realize or ...
What is psychology, and why should you major in it? Dr. Phil and Sigmund Freud might be the first thing you think of, but as the science of mind and behavior, psychology is much more than that. While ...
Learning about the psychological tool of persuasion—and how best to use it in your marketing materials—can serve as a powerful pathway to influencing customer behavior, relationships, and sales.
Both a B.A. and Ph.D. are offered. Psychology is a science based on a large body of social and behavioral research that is expanding its boundaries to overlap with neuroscience and health science.
Students graduating from the BPSG area advance to faculty and research positions in diverse areas within psychology, genetics ... understanding what makes people different in their health, behavior, ...
The Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences has housed an internship training program for graduate students in clinical psychology since 1955. The program was first accredited by ...
Behavioral economics combines elements of economics and psychology to understand how and why people behave the way they do in the real world. It differs from neoclassical economics, which assumes that ...