On March 30, 2025, the clocks will change to summer time, while the abolition continues to stall. Two researchers show how ...
PHP development is increasingly taking place on-premises. PHP 8.3 leads the hit list. Alpine Linux is becoming increasingly ...
Applications for many customers require a multi-tenant architecture in which different models can be considered depending on ...
Apple has selected the 350 winners of its Swift Student Challenge. Fifty of them will travel to California for the WWDC ...
An experiment showed that people switch to other distractions when they don't have access to their smartphone at work.
Lidl wanted to have the legal obligation for food retailers to take back old electrical appliances, classified as ...
According to the TÜV association, only one third of employees use generative AI for professional purposes. Many still ...
Something is happening in digitalization of German administration: The "Deutsche Verwaltungscloud" provides authorities with ...
The experimental project allows the execution of WebAssembly modules within a VM-based sandbox. It focuses on performance and ...
The US companies allegedly have to change certain practices in the EU, but will probably escape a heavy fine. This should ...
The Quicksilver team has once again published an update for its well-known Mac tool. This time it's about future technology.
Log-ins and registrations for Microsoft services are to become simpler. The company is also aiming for standardized log-ins.