WAPS Community Education is hosting a Summer Kick Off and Family Fun Day at the Winona Middle School from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, April 5. WAPS programs and other organizations in Winona will ...
In 2024, the U.S. Navy exceeded its recruitment goals, with 40,978 new recruits. The Navy did this through strong DEI policies that communicated equal opportunities and a place for all. Today’s Navy ...
From: Matthew J. Marek ...
If these cuts happen and you’re like me and on a fixed Social Security income and Medicare, be afraid; be very afraid. Being silent now, more than ever, will surely mean misery and suffering for the ...
Goodview Mayor and former deputy fire chief Ben Klinger shared his appreciation for becoming friends with Gruett. “He was a ...
A former high school social studies teacher and the founder of the Winona Model Legislature, teaching young people was always ...
A 17-year-old Winona boy is being charged with felony assault with a dangerous weapon after he allegedly shot a 14-year-old girl in the eye with a BB gun last Saturday.
An employee of a store at Broadway and Mankato Avenue told police that a man who was twitchy and speaking to himself and whom they suspected of being under the influence of a controlled substance left ...
A Winona man allegedly shot another man in the arm with a pellet gun Thursday afternoon, puncturing the skin and requiring the victim to be transported to the Mayo Clinic ...
Board is weighing whether to make admission to district events free for high school students. School Board member Pete Watkins, who raised the idea, said his goal was to make it easier for students to ...
The black outlined area shows properties city staff proposed rezoning to mixed use neighborhood (MU-N), which would exempt them from the 30% rule and ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, announced on March 20 that the first tow of the 2025 navigation season ...