The course is given over 8 weeks including practice in an upper secondary school and the exam. The course is given twice in each autumn semester, once in each half of the semester. Teaching consists ...
The course provides a basic introduction to sociological studies of legal and illegal drug use. Readings emphasize classics such as Goffman, Becker, Collins, Bourdieu and Latour, and show how these ...
This course gives a basic introduction to machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). Through an algorithmic approach, the students are given a practical understanding of the methods being ...
Ultrasound imaging is a technique used in medicine, sonar, non-destructive testing, and beyond. This course explains the fundamentals of acoustic imaging, beamforming, and ultrasound imaging modes.
Game theory may be defined as the use of formal models in the study of strategic interaction. This course offers an introduction to game theory and its potential applications to the study of war. Game ...
The course gives a comprehensive overview over modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) with main emphasis on probabilistic and machine learning techniques. Methodology for experiments based on ...
This course provides an introduction to key concepts and methods in bioinformatics. Emphasis will be put on review of efficient algorithms, data structures, and techniques used in current applications ...
Medical anthropology studies the universal human experience of health and illness, and practices and technologies of medicine and treatment, across societies and cultures, in different historical and ...
The course introduces basic programming in the Python programming language. The programming themes are illustrated in a series of mathematical examples. The mathematical themes are synchronized with ...
This course provides an overview of a range of resources and practical bioinformatic tools that are used in molecular biology. Scientists actively developing and applying bioinformatic tools in their ...
This course provides an overview of behavioral economics. Behavioral economics incorporates descriptively accurate assumptions about cognitive ability, social interaction, moral motivation, and ...
This course provides an introduction to anthropological perspectives on Japan. Through reading and discussing recent ethnographic works, we will explore key themes for understanding contemporary Japan ...