Research on the use of cannabis by persons with major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder clearly demonstrates that ...
These shamanistic masks have long been a mainstay of populists.
As a result, a sarcastic phrase old-fashioned parents used that would be considered toxic today is, "You think you have it ...
Chaplains are also a valuable tool for bridging the communication gap between first responders and the public. Citing the ...
Therapist Duke Ezikpe Mma explains the difference between stress and psychological distress, their impact on daily life, and ...
What are we seeking --- is it happiness, health, self-realisation or kaivalya? Based on the purpose, we bring Yoga into our lifestyle. Yoga is so much more than what we do on the mat ...
A University of Cincinnati study found machine learning models can aid in the automation and detection of abnormal brain ...
Reason Enough to Act now offers anger management classes for men and women. “At RETA, we aim to provide trauma-informed care ...
A dozen people seated around folding tables clap heartily for a beaming woman: She’s donated two 13-gallon garbage bags full ...
Andrea’s House, a nonprofit transitional living house for women recovering from substance abuse, will launch a program next week focused on providing classes and resources to families affected by subs ...