It's a bird; it's a plane!! It's a ... cloud?! No, it's a massive, once-military-grade hover-capable blimp designed to ...
Back in 2022, the firm debuted the Air Yacht, which involved a 262-foot hull sitting between two 492-foot airships. And last year, the 243-foot Plectrum was designed with giant wings that would ...
AT2 Aerospace, the company that continues the Lockheed Martin work on a hybrid airship, hints that it's closer than ever to ...
At the same time as Goodyear was manufacturing its airships, lighter-than-air vehicles ... president Paul Litchfield saw the airships as yachts in the sky and decided to name the blimps after ...
THE very word airship implies a craft that will * plow the air, much as a large ship plows the sea. From the beginning, the principles of marine navigation have governed the design of dirigible ...
For the public always remember the airship disasters and not the successful flights." Pathfinder 1's first untethered flight also has significance for the wider lighter-than-air community ...
Long before the first airplanes took to the skies, humans had already overcome gravity with the help of airships. Starting ...
Hybrid Air Vehicles are a UK-based startup working to create a modern take on the airship concept. The goal is to create cleaner air transport for short-hop routes, while also solving many of the ...