Educational theories downplaying external stimuli have inadvertently reduced clarity and equity in education. Effective ...
Nicole Karlis explains the cutting-edge science of generosity and the benefits of altruism for building resilience and ...
By revealing for the first time what happens in the brain when an animal makes a mistake, researchers are shedding light on the holy grail of neuroscience: the mechanics of how we learn. The team ...
We're all familiar with Pavlovian conditioning, in which a reward-anticipatory behavior follows a reward-predicting stimulus. Perhaps you experience it yourself when passing a cafe or restaurant and ...
The Australian Government is investing up to $80M for two new Reefwise Programs to improve the quality of water flowing to the Great Barrier Reef. Two new initiatives - the $50 million Reefwise ...
The APCPA advocates against using anti-bark collars and suggests that if your dog barks excessively, you seek help from a veterinarian, Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, or Certified Professional ...
Welcome to the Faculty of Arts, a dynamic community of students, faculty and staff working in and across the humanities, social sciences, and fine, performing and media arts. Through our diverse range ...