It was revealed in the 2016 documentary The Witness that at least two people called the police for help, and a friend of ...
Here's what happened to Kitty Genovese in 1964, including how many witnesses there were to her murder and how it led to ...
BioCity Biopharmaceuticals and MSD have signed a clinical trial partnership agreement to assess BC3195 in conjunction with ...
The bystander effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation, against a bully, or during an assault or other crime.The greater the ...
From mass shootings to rising crime fears, here’s why public spaces no longer feel as secure as they once did.
Imagine that you're walking down the street when you see someone fall down on the sidewalk. You glance around, expecting that someone will help the other person up, but not one seems to be reacting.
Analogous to the "unresponsive bystander effect", many nations may now be more hesitant to commit to reductions because one ...
Several factors influence how we respond, contributing to the phenomenon known as the “bystander effect”. Brooke Kinsella, whose brother Ben was fatally stabbed in 2008, has been trying to ...
("CSPC") (Stock Code: 1093.HK) jointly announced that the first patient has been successfully dosed in the Phase III clinical study (Study ID: JSKN003-301) of anti-HER2 biparatopic antibody-drug ...