If you're looking for a place to take your canine companion to enjoy the springtime weather, we have a list of eight of the best dog parks in North Texas.
Scientists used laser sensors to study how dogs' brains react to smells. Findings may change health and rescue work.
Farmer's Dog â€“ Best of the Best! Best for Human Grade Food Nom Nom â€“ Best for Both Cats and Dogs Ollie â€“ Best in Customer ...
"Couples in line at an amusement park," one viewer joked, as others also poked fun at the dog's bond with the toy.
Stacy Roszak's regulars often stop by for a pup cup, but every now and then she's treated to a new customer like Bruno, ...
Dogs are eager to jump over fences for many different reasons, but our trainer explains a few ways you can deter this ...
We all know what it feels like to have the flu. Fever, body aches, coughing, congestion, chills, sore throat . . . in general ...
A Rockford teen and her Border Collie, Lane, will represent Team USA at the Junior Open World Agility Championships this ...
Sam Jessel began his journey as a professional dog trainer after spending three years as a commander in the Israeli K-9 ...
The seat of Colorado’s government can sometimes feel like a doggy day care as Gov. Jared Polis and several state lawmakers ...
The study reveals insights into dogs’ olfactory systems that could pave the way for new applications in law enforcement, healthcare, and rescue operations.
From dog-lawyers in Detroit to clone-farms in Iowa, "Dogs Are People Too" road-trips America to follow a landmark civil rights trial over the killing of a dog. The mother of the deceased dog wants to ...