DEAR FRAZZLED: A wife and mother whose behavior and general cleanliness have worsened to the point that she leaves her chewed ...
Damien, who contemplated suicide due to his experiences, says he believes NHS services think autistic people can't engage ...
If you suspect your child is using drugs or alcohol, it's crucial to approach the situation with care and thoughtfulness.
Conversational AI is being designed to support pediatric mental health in several ways. These chatbots are powered by natural ...
Conversational AI is being designed to support pediatric mental health in several ways. These chatbots are powered by natural ...
Researchers reveal how prenatal and early-childhood stress alters brain function, highlighting new treatment possibilities ...
A recent study suggests that limiting screen time and promoting physical activity from childhood may help safeguard mental health in adolescence. The findings are particularly significant given that ...
Children too can have mental health issues! Parents should take note of these subtle signs of compromised mental health in ...
As a mom of teens, I appreciate that my kids can stay home if they are having a hard mental health day.
New research finds that adults who experienced both physical and sexual abuse in childhood are about twice as likely to ...
Mumbai: A student from a city-based college approached a counsellor recently complaining of suicidal tendencies.