Naomi Plows filled the first few weeks of her newborn son Billy’s life with everything you’d expect from a doting first-time ...
Down syndrome is a common chromosomal disorder caused by an extra chromosome 21, leading to intellectual disabilities and ...
The Family Achievement Center will offer family-oriented physical, occupational and speech therapies once it opens in May.
Down syndrome, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, remains India’s most common chromosomal disorder. Limited access to specialised healthcare, a lack of inclusive education, and societal stigma ...
Something terribly went wrong with this process, and the state's got to work to fix it, and we're working on that I believe.' ...
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnoses continue to rise globally, with 1 in 36 children in the United States now identified ...
“BEST Play teaches parents ways they can provide opportunities for infants to learn when parents are carrying their baby, ...
Ruby Franke, known as "America's Mom" on the 8 Passengers YouTube channel, was convicted of child abuse last year - and now a ...
Adjunctive use of therapy dogs in standard child-life therapy is tied to a modest but significantly greater reduction in both ...
It was “mentally and emotionally abusive,” says a young man who has been through it. An expert has called it "torture." ...
The Hampton Roads Show airs weekdays at 11 a.m. on WAVY-TV 10.
The first peer reviewed publication on surf therapy appeared in 2010 and focused on Aboriginal children in Australia. It was ...