The firings that began in February are taking a toll on federal employees’ mental health. Workers have obtained or considered ...
Valdez's latest novel, "Happy Land," explores land ownership through the generations. She shares her thoughts on land ...
Health bosses say they are concerned by an increasing number of people on waiting lists for mental health services. The ...
The combination of kids and too much screen time comes with no shortage of worries: Cognitive delays, executive functioning ...
Multiple studies have shown the direct positive correlation between exposure to the arts and emotional resilience; when ...
Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic, a Gallup study is sharing parents’ perspectives on how that time has affected their ...
Use of a common pain reliever during pregnancy could increase the risk of children developing ADHD, new research has found. Experts weigh in on the findings.
In the latest episode of ‘The Poynter Report Podcast,’ Dr. Justin Martin shares surprising results from a study on screen time and child wellness ...
Exposure to air pollution in early life could have lasting effects on child development and mental health in adolescence, according to our recent study.
Maine's Department of Health and Human Services has contracted with a Saco-based behavioral health agency to build the state's first adolescent residential treatment program, a development advocates ...
A Troy Republican has introduced an Ohio House bill that he says would repeal a carve-out in Ohio law that allows Ohioans aged 14 to 18 to receive mental health treatment without their parents' ...
His fianceé said he would get upset over changing and failed plans to spend time with his kids, including whole weekends ...