Does mental illness reflect evolutionary traits gone awry? Emphasizing strengths over deficits helps people thrive.
A Trump executive order called mental health problems "incompatible" with military service. Advocates fear a chilling effect.
The blues and the jitters are very common among people battling chronic pain, a new evidence review says.About 40% of ...
As a mom of teens, I appreciate that my kids can stay home if they are having a hard mental health day.
Parents today are generally aware of mental health conditions that relate to body image, including common disorders like ...
Staff are "under immense pressure, working in understaffed teams, facing relentless workloads, and struggling with burnout", ...
It is like a chicken-and-egg situation when it comes to mental health and eating disorders. Does poor mental health condition lead to eating disorder? Or does an eating disorder cause hormonal changes ...
So many people are left to navigate this deeply personal battle alone, with little support and even less awareness.
Tens of millions of adults and teens in the U.S. are affected by a wide range of mental health disorders. The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health notes that some of the most common ones ...
Several factors increase the risk of suicide in prison, including being young, male, on a first remand, imprisoned for ...
Attachment disorders encompass specific challenges in relating to others often created through early trauma. Traditionally ...
Body dysmorphic disorder involves all-consuming negative thoughts about one’s appearance, causing intense anxiety or shame.