EAU CLAIRE — Court filings tied to a new bid for a competency evaluation for Shane Helmbrecht shed new light on what he was doing in Mexico before being caught by the FBI. Helmbrecht is charged with ...
A Columbus-based defense attorney is seeking a mental health competency test for a man accused of a fatal mass shooting in New Albany on Feb. 4.
The Sioux City School Board has appealed a ruling made in former Superintendent Paul Gausman's lawsuit to the Iowa Supreme ...
This article discusses the reliability of children who are called as witnesses in court cases.
II findings of the Second Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM II) are both grim and urgent. EDCOM II is a national ...
Defendants with serious mental illnesses pose a fundamental challenge to the legal system: judges can’t hold people ...
It is critical that President Trump nominate qualified individuals to those positions — not just in the sense of technical ...
According to the charges, Baldwin stabbed and beat the victim, Ivette Wallin, inside his unit at Canaday House.