Issa Kaou N’Djim (à gauche) serre la main du colonel Malick Diaw lors d’une cérémonie ouvrant des discussions pour la création d’un gouvernement de transition, le 5 septembre 2020 à ...
Has anyone recently obtained a Mali tourist visa online? I'm currently touring around the world, so I never stick around long enough to schedule embassy or consulate appointments, which is why I'm ...
Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Updated [hour]:[minute] [AMPM] [timezone], [monthFull] [day], [year] YAOUNDE, Cameroon (AP) — The military ...
Terry Holohan, chief executive officer of Australian gold miner Resolute Mining Ltd., has been detained by the military-controlled government of Mali in West Africa, the company said. Holohan and ...
Three expat executives from Australian company Resolute Mining, which owns a gold mine in Mali, have been detained for questioning. Terry Holohan, chief executive of the Australian mining company ...
Pour promouvoir son riche patrimoine culturel, le Mali organise chaque année des journées nationales dédiées au patrimoine culturel. En 2024, la ville historique de Djenné a accueilli les festivités, ...
Lawmakers in the West African nation of Mali have voted to criminalise homosexuality. Mali’s National Transitional Council voted 131-1 in favour of the proposed legislation, which, if signed into law ...
Homme de terrain, Ag Intalla est une des figures les plus emblématiques de la rébellion du Nord-Mali. À la tête d’une des principales formations rebelles, le Haut conseil pour l'unité de l ...
Au Mali, une loi criminalise l'homosexualité a été adoptée jeudi 31 octobre 2024 par le Conseil national de la transition (CNT). Le ministre de la Justice, Mamadou Kassogue, a déclaré que ...
Mali's de facto parliament has passed a law criminalising same-sex acts in the junta-led country, the latest in Africa to adopt legislation targeting LGBTQ rights. Until now no criminal sanctions ...
In 2020, Mali’s fourth successful military coup installed the leadership of the Comité National pour le Salut du Peuple (CNSP). Although the military takeover reflects an overall weakening of ...
The social media images broadcast by the jihadists who on Tuesday morning attacked the international airport complex outside Mali's capital, Bamako, and then roamed around the site, graphically ...