Many people try to be more effective by multi-tasking. They actually become less productive. You can be more effective by single-tasking with time-boxing and time-blocking.
About a dozen students are scattered around the portable classroom, most working together in groups of two. McCord, who is ...
COVID’s emotional and educational strain on children still lingers, but educators and mental health specialists say they are ...
The U.S. educational landscape has been drastically transformed since the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered school campuses five ...
(THE CONVERSATION) The U.S. educational landscape has been drastically transformed since the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered school campuses five years ago. Access to high-quality teachers and curriculum ...
with efforts to hire "school psychology interns." Then, in the next few years, each building would ideally host at least one licensed school psychologist. All of this is possible under the the ...
Racial discrimination is detrimental to youth mental health. A new book explores how the American school system reinforces racial inequality.
With over 150 academic experts with knowledge and experience across the breadth of the discipline, NTU Psychology in the School of Social Sciences at NTU is one of the largest departments in the UK.
The primary objective of School Psychology training at USM is to prepare behavioral scientists who can apply their skills to the solution of a broad range of problems related to the processes of ...
Estonia is teaming up with OpenAI and Anthropic to launch a nationwide drive to teach artificial intelligence skills to high school students, aiming to help prepare them for jobs of the future.
The recent occurrence at St James High is not the example school leaders should set for their students,” Morris Dixon continued. Meanwhile, Permanent Secretary Kasan Troupe reaffirmed the ...