Inter-atrial shunt device therapy has shown mixed results in clinical trials, with clinical 'non-responders' typically showing features of more advanced heart failure. We aimed to analyse the ...
However, you’ll become less fertile afterward. Oophorectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the ovaries in people who have them. When you have one ovary removed, it’s called unilateral ...
Minimally invasive glaucoma surgeries offer an alternative to glaucoma drops, which, in some cases, do not adequately lower IOP and show poor compliance.
Utah Sen. Mike Lee recently kicked off a conversation about the return of letters of marque and reprisal as a means of striking out against rogue states and non-state bad ...
Through a generous $150,000 grant from the A.J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust, Penn Highlands Healthcare has a new ...
The procedure may be technically challenging in the obese population ... low pressure in those with a shunt). Medication overuse headaches often occur and are underdiagnosed.71 For patients with IIH, ...