EAST KINGSTON — The cold weather has set in and the mice are setting up in the walls of my house as they seek a warmer shelter and as their outdoor food sources run out.
This stunning red-tailed hawk was seen soaring in the sky over Buena Vista Boulevard in The Villages. Thanks to Julie ...
Father Bob Marciano told 12 News the bird wound up trapped inside an empty conference room and couldn't find its way back out ...
Discover how a lone blue jay acted as a vigilant sentinel, bringing calm and security to a bustling winter bird feeder.
Among five of a bird's senses, sight is arguably the most important. With around 10,000 individual bird species in the world, ...
A rare and elusive bird was recently spotted in the Channel Islands, an archipelago located between England and France. The ...
Suddenly a big bird rocketed into view – a Peregrine Falcon, death missile of the tidal flats, no doubt hunting the ...
Nearly 20 species of both wintering and migrant raptors, or birds of prey, have been recorded at the Ramona grasslands, ...
Discover the winter beauty of Berkshire County through birdwatching adventures, featuring rare sightings of rough-legged ...
Two of Britain’s “most iconic birds” feature among the top images in the South Downs National Park’s annual photo competition. Photographer Piers Fearick, from Worthing, West Sussex, claimed both the ...
Morris Island in Chatham is seeing an uptick in hikers as the year gets off to a start. What rare visitor is drawing them?