High intellectual potential people typically participate in self-dialogue, either inside their brains or even loudly when ...
A viral TikTok highlights how emotionally immature parents impact self-esteem and relationships. Learn the psychological effects and how to break the cycle.
Researchers present an alternative to the long-held “hard steps” theory to explain the evolution of complex life, suggesting ...
Two Florida State University researchers have found that smartphone-based clinical interventions may reduce ...
Grounded in polyvagal theory, explore how emotions emerge, why they fluctuate, and how we can cultivate emotional intelligence by recognizing and regulating our autonomic states.
A recent Trump executive order defines sex based on gamete size. But the order oversimplifies genetics, hormones and reproductive biology.
Podcast: This episode explores whether children’s weaker selective attention is a hidden strength by addressing findings on attention, memory, and childhood learning.
Neurodivergent women navigate friendships in unique ways. Learn science-backed strategies to build connections that honor your needs, energy, and authenticity.
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Temporary organization, that bids fair soon to be permanent, was effected by local golf enthusiasts on Wednesday night at a ...
Multiple-study analysis looks at why men’s emotional intimacy is much more difficult outside of romantic relationships ...