Fake news and political propaganda are not new, but they are pervasive. Research into how to change minds that seem invested ...
A recent study by a group of Qatar-based researchers has highlighted the need for screening of post-traumatic stress disorder ...
Markets are volatile and uncertain. Macro forces are contributing to this state of affairs. Read more on how investors are ...
As parents navigate a new chapter in their family story following a disaster, psychological science can offer guidance to help families and children adapt.
If you’re always on Rotten Tomatoes before watching a movie, chances are, you’re an information seeker too. You thrive on ...
If you’ve ever found yourself driving around a new neighborhood, feeling utterly lost, and then instinctively reached ...
What's the best approach when looking to influence colleagues, friends and family to act more sustainably in their daily ...
AI and BMI together will destroy the human race. The former will replace human brains and the latter, Body Mass Index, will ...
Even within those apocalyptic conversations there are boundaries: we try not to make it personal, we try to include humour to ...
Caroline DeBruhl is a writer, tarot-reader, and wedding officiant living in Tampa. She follows The Dark Mother, Hekate, a ...
We usually don't think much about it, but our brain is pretty amazing! This three-pound organ is in charge of everything ...
Dr. Melvin Echols discusses his journey from rural North Carolina to becoming a leading cardiologist and shares insights on improving Black heart health.