One review in PLoS ONE found that diets rich in tree nuts led to improved glycemic control and better insulin sensitivity.
Playing with a dog for just 15 minutes lowers stress in college students. Their heart rates and cortisol levels drop, improving mood.
A s the days grow longer and the weather warms up, spring offers the perfect opportunity to reset and refresh our health ...
It was around 10 p.m. on a Friday night in Indiana when one young man began messaging with a pretty girl from Indianapolis on a dating app. Lying in bed feeling lonely and bored, he was exhilarated ...
His tendency to replay the night’s events — and his irregular work hours — often made it tricky for him to fall asleep. Over ...
Dr. Carrie Towbes and George Burtness have been selected as the 82nd Persons of the Year for the Santa Barbara area. The two will be honored for their ...
Patient experience leader Jennifer Carron explains why healthcare lags in customer experience and how real-time feedback is ...
It’s official: sleep music is a thing. And it’s not only useful for drowning out your noisy upstairs neighbour or snoring partner, but works on a neurological level too.
Assets in the region span medtech/medical device development and manufacturing, bioinformatics, genomics, nutrition, human health, clinical research, and, increasingly, biopharma manufacturers.