Many men believe their penises are too small, while many women are dissatisfied with their vaginas. Pundits may blame ...
A landmark study from the Australian Temperament Project reveals that school belonging in adolescence significantly ...
UC Riverside psychology researchers Kate Sweeny and Elizabeth Davis are among the recipients of a $4.7 million grant from the ...
In HBO's White Lotus, old friends Jaclyn, Kate and Laurie constantly compete with each other, their negativity masked as ...
Esther Cole, a consultant clinical psychologist at Lifespan Psychology spoke about ‘Tall poppy syndrome’ - a phenomenon where ...
"I have walked through many lives, some of them my own, and I am not who I was, though some principle of being abides, from ...
Discover how regular prayer reduces stress, boosts immunity, improves heart health, enhances emotional wellbeing, and ...
Sibling relationships play a key role in emotional well-being, with strong bonds reducing mental health issues and providing ...
“Married men do not have to try so hard to maintain a normal weight if they are accepted by their partners. And female ...
Human development is inherently relational. From the earliest stages of life, relationships with others underlie emotional, cognitive, and social ...
The ability to make the connection between an event and its consequences -- experts use the term associative learning -- is a crucial skill for adapting to the environment. It has a huge impact on our ...
Better sleep, less stress, stronger immune system—are these the results of a better diet? Exercise? It's just "good sex." ...