Slaughter bulls: High dressing, $161-$183; low dressing, $140-$150. Compared to last sale: Calf market was strong. Packer cows and bulls sold $3 lower. Demand was steady. Packer cows: Canner and ...
they’re looking to diversify their export markets, process more domestically and push for improvements to government support programs. The cattle sector is tightly interwoven between Canada ...
Brad Kooima with Kooima Kooima Varilek says the cattle market has just felt better the last week with cash finally bottoming and futures posting higher weekly closes. Last week’s 5 Area Weighted ...
CALGARY — Beef industry groups say with 25 per cent U.S. tariffs on Canadian goods taking effect, they're looking to diversify their export markets, process more domestically and push for improvements ...
As OPEC+ debated whether to keep oil output steady due to weak global demand or pump more in response to internal pressure ...
The U.S. cattle herd is smaller than it has been in 74 years, though Texas' population has risen slightly in the last year, according to new data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
In response to users’ feedback about the Firefox Terms of Use, Mozilla updated some of the language about data usage. Mozilla ...
China’s largest new energy vehicle manufacturer BYD Auto officially entered the Kazakhstan market last week in partnership ...
Oil prices declined for a third day on Wednesday, as investors worried about OPEC+ plans to proceed with output increases in ...
"The presence of at least one Islamic country with the right of veto in the UN Security Council is no longer a requirement, ...