The month of January, 2024, recorded above average rainfall. The previous year, the Kenya Meteorological Department had ...
Most of Kazakhstan’s cattle were sold or slaughtered after the collapse of ... Helbling said a strong domestic market may be driving prices higher than the Kazakh’s want to pay. “It may be they’re ...
Feed Production Expansion – to strengthen the livestock sector. The investment aims to increase domestic production, reduce food inflation, and enhance Kazakhstan’s export ... stable pricing ...
The pilot initiative enabled 50 Afghan women to study in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan ... nearly 80 percent of Afghanistan’s economic activity is linked to farming and livestock. “I’ve always been ...
Slaughter bulls: High dressing, $161-$183; low dressing, $140-$150. Compared to last sale: Calf market was strong. Packer cows and bulls sold $3 lower. Demand was steady. Packer cows: Canner and ...
they’re looking to diversify their export markets, process more domestically and push for improvements to government support programs. The cattle sector is tightly interwoven between Canada ...
Lanark now has more than 5000 online customers via Marketplace from the South of Scotland to Orkney, Republic of Ireland, Belgium and Canada: “Like the livestock it ensures buyers and sellers are ...
The Dinarpur Jantar Bazar in Habiganj, the largest livestock market in Sylhet division, has long been a source of contention due to its location adjacent to the Dhaka-Sylhet highway. The market's ...
Grain and livestock markets have presented some great tradable opportunities for participants on both sides of the markets as of late. These are the levels to keep an eye on. Hypothetical ...
Tax reform, cattle markets, input cost, EID tag mandates and workforce shortages are on the forefront of the minds of U.S. cattle producers this year. Tax reform, cattle markets, input cost ...
Strategies include increasing milk yields from the current 2 liters per cow per day to at least 30 liters, and improving beef cattle growth rates to reach market weight within two and a half years.