The global acclaim of the Oscar-winning movie "I'm Still Here" has profoundly impacted Brazil’s social and political life — ...
O fotógrafo Bob Wolfenson, 71, compartilhou na sexta-feira (7) uma foto rara do escritor Marcelo Rubens Paiva, 65, durante a juventude. "O escritor Marcelo Rubens Paiva para a capa da Revista ...
Brazilian novelist Marcelo Rubens Paiva, the author of the book that served as the basis for the film, "I'm Still Here," speaks during an interview at his home in Sao Paulo, Tuesday, Feb. 18 ...
Marcelo Rubens Paiva revelou que, assim como é mostrado no filme Ainda Estou Aqui, Gilberto Gil realmente acolheu sua irmã, Vera Paiva, em Londres, Inglaterra, quando a jovem foi morar no ...
Marcelo Rubens Paiva, autor de ‘Ainda Estou Aqui’, irá lançar um novo livro, chamado ‘O Novo Agora’. A obra será publicada pela editora Alfaguara, selo da Companhia das Letras ...
SAO PAULO (AP) — Brazilian author Marcelo Rubens Paiva happily swung his wheelchair from side to side, dancing with thousands of Carnival revelers there to celebrate him and his work. Seconds later, ...
SAO PAULO — Brazilian author Marcelo Rubens Paiva happily swung his wheelchair from side to side, dancing with thousands of Carnival revelers celebrating him and his work. Seconds later ...