Beer, beyond being a refreshing and social beverage, has found its place in the world of wellness and relaxation. In spas offering craft treatments, beer is used as a key ingredien ...
Learn how trapeze classes can offer what a physical therapist calls "the ultimate bodyweight activity," while taking your ...
Positive psychology was developed to counter psychology’s focus on “the bad stuff.” Positive psychology studies psychosocial ...
You’ve been told that “busy” equals “productive,” but it may be time to face the uncomfortable truth: you’re not just stressed; you’re breaking down.
Learn life-saving techniques to manage an asthma attack when your inhaler isn't available, from breathing methods to ...
Diets high in processed sugar might negatively impact self-confidence, potentially through mood swings, increased anxiety and depression, and impaired cognitive function. Research notes that sugar ...
Food noise can be frustrating and distressing, but there are things you can do to manage it. Reshaping thoughts around body ...