The foundation of religious life is moral integrity. Before introducing rituals, ceremonies, or prohibitions, God demands that we act with decency and righteousness.
Persistence of stigma toward people living with HIV has puzzled scientists looking at the numerous destigmatization campaigns ...
The sharing of a petition with Miss Hall's School employees drew fire from school leadership. It is unclear how many employees or leadership have signed a petition to back a ...
The dysfunction on both sides of the peninsula transcends mere political struggles, reflecting a fundamental crisis that ...
Morality is both universal ("thou shalt not steal") and individual (not smoking around others). "The function of law is primarily external, as it governs actions rather than internal motivations," ...
Photo from Caring for the elderly is fundamental to human society, reflecting our values, traditions, and moral ...
The hidden ethical costs of workaholism have been highlighted in a recent study led by Aston University and University of ...
Today, companies are prioritizing being more ethically aware. However, many still don’t consider it to be a foundational ...
In a world increasingly shaped by secularism and scientific empiricism, a paradox emerges: the enduring belief that history has direction, meaning and purpose—a secularized form of providentialism.
The best presidents — including figures such as Abraham Lincoln and George Washington — are celebrated not only as good leaders, but as good men. They embody not simply political ...
People in vulnerable positions who need support in their daily lives often face challenges in receiving timely access to care; for instance, due to disabilities or individual and situational ...